1 juny 2018 |
The dynamics of biofilm bacterial communities is driven by flow wax and wane in a temporary stream |
5 juny 2018 |
The dynamics of biofilm bacterial communities is driven by flow wax and wane in a temporary stream |
Timoner Amer, Xisca
; Borrego i Moré, Carles
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Sabater, Sergi
1 maig 2013 |
Effects of large river dam regulation on bacterioplankton community structure |
Ruiz-González, Clara
; Proia, Lorenzo
; Ferrera, Isabel
; Gasol, Josep M.
; Sabater, Sergi
Effects of low concentrations of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on biofilm algae and bacteria |
Ricart Viladomat, Marta
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; Geiszinger, Anita
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
; López de Alda, Miren
; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
; Vidal, Gemma
; Villagrasa, Marta
; Sabater, Sergi
1 setembre 2009 |
Effects of low concentrations of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on biofilm algae and bacteria |
Ricart Viladomat, Marta
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; Geiszinger, Anita
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
; López de Alda, Miren
; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
; Vidal, Gemma
; Villagrasa, Marta
; Sabater, Sergi
Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms |
Ricart Viladomat, Marta
14 gener 2011 |
Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms |
Ricart Viladomat, Marta
7 setembre 2018 |
Elimination of micropollutants in conventional and novel nitrogen removal processes. A comparative assessment of diverse microbial communities capabilities |
Kassotaki, Elissavet
juny 2018 |
Ensayos de producción de hidrogeno con proteobacterias |
Gómez Calvo, Lorena
30 juliol 2021 |
Experimental basis for the control of plant diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa using synthetic antimicrobial peptides |
Baró Sabé, Aina
22 juny 2004 |
Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents |
Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents |
Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents |
Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents |
Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
2009 |
Genotypic comparison of Pantoea agglomerans plant and clinical strains |
Rezzonico, Fabio
; Smits, Theo H.M.
; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
; Frey, Jürg E.
; Duffy, Brion
Genotypic comparison of Pantoea agglomerans plant and clinical strains |
Rezzonico, Fabio
; Smits, Theo H.M.
; Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
; Frey, Jürg E.
; Duffy, Brion
15 novembre 1996 |
Heterogeneïtat pigmentària en bacteris fotosintètics verds: fisiologia i significació ecològica |
Borrego i Moré, Carles
Heterogeneïtat pigmentària en bacteris fotosintètics verds: fisiologia i significació ecològica |
Borrego i Moré, Carles
Improvement of strategies for the management of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Evaluation and optimization of physical and chemical control methods, and use of decision support systems |
Ruz Estévez, Lídia
3 novembre 2003 |
Improvement of strategies for the management of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Evaluation and optimization of physical and chemical control methods, and use of decision support systems |
Ruz Estévez, Lídia
5 juny 2015 |
From inocula to biological reactors: molecular characterization of N-cycle bacterial assemblages in a PANAMMOX process |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
From inocula to biological reactors: molecular characterization of N-cycle bacterial assemblages in a PANAMMOX process |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
7 juliol 2016 |
Insights into key parameters for bio-alcohol production in syngas fermentation using model carboxydotrophic bacteria |
Ramió Pujol, Sara
Insights into key parameters for bio-alcohol production in syngas fermentation using model carboxydotrophic bacteria |
Ramió Pujol, Sara
24 octubre 1997 |
Interacció Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae-perera. Factors determinants i activitat de diversos fosfonats en el desenvolupament de la malaltia |
Moragrega i Garcia, Concepció